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A new forum for interdisciplinary plant studies

Plant Perspectives

A Subscribe-to-Open Journal

Call for Papers

We're pleased to announce an Open Call for Papers for 'Plant Perspectives'. Full details are here.

Aims and Scope

Plant Perspectives is a new forum, grounded in interdisciplinary plant studies, to explore plant–human interactions in all spatial, temporal and cultural contexts. Plants are the central actors here, and the journal encourages new directions in the study of sensory, instrumental and affective entanglements between human and vegetal spheres. Papers will address a wide variety of subjects, including but by no means limited to: horticulture and arboriculture; colonialism and other power asymmetries; medicine, health and care; governance, rights and ethics; art and literature; film and media; heritage and leisure; traditional ecological knowledge; conservation and environmental change; and scientific communication. Taking ‘environmental humanities’ as its foundation, the journal warmly invites contributions from those working in academic disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, literary studies, philosophy and social sciences; from those whose work transcends traditional disciplinary classifications or extends towards the natural sciences; and from those outside the academy, for example garden and forest practitioners, artists, creative writers and activists. Rigorous standards of double-anonymous peer review will apply to research articles, but the journal will also have sections showcasing a range of non-traditional forms (interviews, narrative fiction and non-fiction, poetry, visual and multimedia essays), subject to appropriate processes of evaluation. Plant Perspectives will thus be a place where the paths of different discourses cross and their branches intertwine, where scholars and practitioners with an interest in plants can develop and hone new thinking and where – crucially – the plant itself is always centre stage.

The journal publishes both double blind peer reviewed papers and invited material.

Papers should be submitted using our ONLINE SUBMISSION SYSTEM

Subscribe to Open

Plant Perspectives is conceived as open access. For 2024, we are seeking to cover the journal's production costs without charging author fees through a Subscribe-to-Open offer.

Plant Perspectives is in its launch phase and we can guarantee no page charges/APCs until at least the end of 2024.

If our preferred S2O model does not prove financially sustainable for the journal, APCs might apply in future, but not for any papers submitted before the end of 2024; in the event that APCs are introduced later, a waiver scheme will be available.

Values and Principles

The journal will embed principles of inclusion and diversity, manifested in the editorial board, peer review policies and the Diamond Open Access model, which involves no fees to either readers or contributors. The White Horse Press is committed to the fair treatment of all authors, editors and reviewers, and particularly concerned to support Early Career Researchers. Our goal is to forge lasting relationships, based on mutual respect. Plant Perspectives adheres to the publication standards and ethics shared by all White Horse Press publications. The submission process will request multi-authored papers to attach a statement of how the work was divided between the authors and how the order of authors has been decided. It is important to foster communication between academic communities in different regions and working in different languages. The journal will welcome contributions first published in languages other than English and WHP will offer support in honing the English.


Editor: John Charles Ryan
  Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Nulungu Institute, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Deputy Editor: Isis Brook
  Visiting Research Fellow, Bath Spa University

Associate Editors

Afshin Akhtar-Khavari  Professor of International Law, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
  Interdisciplinary research on trees, plants and asking questions about what their ability to solve problems means for the law; law, governance and environmental humanities

Clare Hickman  Environmental and Medical History, Newcastle University
  Historic gardens and landscapes; past botanic collecting and collections; cultural histories of natural spaces and plants that have been classed as having therapeutic properties
Diego Molina  Royal Holloway, University of London
  Plant-human interactions in Latin America; environmental history of plants and botanical science (e.g. travellers, scientific representation of plants, botany and power); plants in cities (especially in the tropics); photography and plants
Jon Pitt  East Asian Studies Department, University of California, Irvine
  Entanglements of plant life and various forms of literature: fiction, poetry, SF, horror, nature writing, etc.; film (narrative, documentary, experimental) and sound media; East Asia
Laura Pustarfi  California Institute of Integral Studies
  Trees; Continental philosophy; ethics; psychedelic plants
Mariko O. Thomas  Skagit Valley College
  More-than-human communication; plant storytelling; human-plant relationships; ecocultural identity; magic and mythology; environmental justice
Rachel Zollinger  Endowed Assistant Professor (incoming), Art Education, University of Arkansas
  Place and plant pedagogies; plants as metaphors, collaborators, and symbionts; art-based methodologies and plants

Reviews Editor

Subarna De  Chair Group Contemporary History, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Creative Submissions Editors

Prudence Gibson  University of New South Wales  
Kristina Van Dexter  Willamette University; Paz con la Selva

Post-graduate Representative

Goutam Majhi  Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya (affiliated with the University of Calcutta, India)

Outreach Coordinator

Eline Tabak  The University of Oulu (History, Culture and Communication Studies)


ISSN: 2753-3603 (Online, OPEN ACCESS)


Archived in PORTICO

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TOP BANNER (left to right): Diego Delso, Cemetery, Tulcán (Ecuador) CC BY-SA; Ben Luxworth at Adaptalux, Leaf; Wikimedia Commons, Kassel Mandragora; BOTTOM BANNER: Richard Turner, Kew Gardens, CC BY-SA; BODY: Amitabha Ghosh via PG Click, Village children playing; SIDEBAR: Wild Flowers of New York , Wikimedia Commons.

Water Lily House Kew